Hazard operability study atau HAZOP adalah merupakan salah satu teknik identifikasi dan analisis bahaya yang digunakan untuk meninjau suatu proses atau proses pada sebuah sistem secara sistematis. Selain itu HAZOP juga dapat digunakan untuk menentukan apakah penyimpangan dalam suatu proses dapat mendorong kearah kejadian atau kecelakaan yang tidak diinginkan. Karakteristik HAZOP yang utama adalah sistematik, menggunakan struktur dan susunan yang tinggi dengan mengandalkan pada guide word dan gagasan tim untuk melanjutkan serta memastikan safe guard sesuai atau tidak dengan tempat atau objek yang sedang di kaji.
Sasaran dan Manfaat Training HAZOPs:
- Peserta diharapkan akan memiliki pengetahuan dan kemampuan untuk memahami dan menerapkan konsep HAZOPs,
- Peserta mampu melakukan analisis bahaya dan penilain risiko ditempat kerja dengan metode/teknik HAZOPs
- Peserta mampu mengembangkan sistem pengendalian bahaya dan risiko di perusahaan.
Siapa Yang Harus Hadir Dalam Training HAZOPs:
- Process Engineer
- Instrument Engineer
- Electrical Engineer
- Mechanical Engineer
- Staf/Manager Produksi, Lab, Gudang dan Maintenance Engineering
- Staf/Manager K3
Persyaratan Peserta Training HAZOPs:
Penididikan Minimal
D3 Teknik
Memiliki pengalaman diunit operasi minimal 2 tahun
Fasilitator Training HAZOPs :
Adrianus Pangaribuan, MT.,CFEI Fire
& Explosion Senior Engineer – Certified Fire & Explosion Investigator :
14553-9874. Mr. Adrianus Pangaribuan holds a Master in engineering,
majoring in Mechanical Engineering with sub study in Fire Engineering from
University of Indonesia. Degree in Electrical Engineer also from
University of Indonesia, and Middle Diploma Engineer from Polytechnic
University of Indonesia majoring in Electrical Engineering. Through out his
career He is gained significant experienced, first 2 years his spend as
maintenance engineer, 17 years as site engineer, site manager, project
engineer, senior engineer and technical director all in the Mechanical &
Electrical field in the Building & Industries sector. During his experience
he has been working with national and international clients and with good
communication skill, cooperative, good time management and problem solving
oriented. Since 2007 based on his field experience and formal education
he is beginning to work in fire & explosion investigation field
but limited to mechanical explosion such as BLEVE, Dust explosion,
Electrostatic, and Deflagration and get the certificate as a Certified Fire
& Explosion Investigation (CFEI) from NAFI (National Association Fire
Investigation) – USA and the first Indonesia who get this certificate. As a
Fire & Explosion Investigator, he also knows and understands how to protect
and prevent the fire and explosion from the design by conduct the Process
Hazard Analysis ( HAZOP, HAZID, SIL, LOPA, etc) until implementation under his
supervision. Adrianus also has outstanding experience in HAZOP study/project in
many industries such as; HAZOPStudy For OSBL & NL ISBL Blue
Sky Project Pertamina RU-IV – Cilacap, HAZOP Study For Transport Gas Indonesia
(TGI) – Batam, HAZOP Study Comfeed – Malang HAZOP Study FFI – Bangkok, HAZOP
Study FFI – Kuala Lumpur, HAZOP Study PERTAMINA Jetty extension, Balongan –
Cirebon, HAZOP Study Huntsman Manufacturing – Melbourne, HAZOP Study Biosolar
Process Wilmar – Dumai, HAZOP Study Reckitt Benckiser – Demak, HAZOP Study
Spray Dryer FFI – Salatiga, HAZOP Review Jakarta Tank Terminal – Vopak, Tank
Farm – Jakarta, HAZOP Study ethanol system wilmar – Dumai , HAZOP Study Loreal
cosmetic – China, HAZOP Study Dynaplast – Vietnam, HAZOP Study New
EGSB Reactor – Banten, HAZOP Study hot oil boiler system Shoes
manufacturing – Tangerang, HAZOP Study Paint manufacturing Pulo Gadung
–Jakarta, HAZOP Study Sulindafin – Tangerang , and HAZOP Study UHT Milk
Indolacto – Sukabumi
Outline :Mengacu pada SKKNI no. 248/MEN/V/2007
Menganalisa resiko kecelakaan kerja
Menerapkan study
HAZOP di tempat kerja
- Basic introduction to the risk assessment process
- Different hazard identification techniques
- Advantages and disadvantages of the HAZOP technique
- Hazard & Operability Study: Basic Concept & Methodology, Terminology
- Risk ranking at the HAZOP study
- Release & Blow Down Analysis
- Hazardous Area Classification Study
- HAZOP project example/best practice
- HAZOP exercise including discussion of results
- HAZOP actions/recommendations and HAZOP reports
- Hard / Soft Copy Materi Training
- Sertifikat Training dari BNSP
- 2x coffee break
- Makan Siang
Jadual Training (3 hari):
Tempat :
- HSP Academy Training Center (Dengan peserta maksimal 10 orang)
- Hotel POP BSD, Grand Zuri BSD atau Fame Hotel Gading Serpong (Dengan peserta diatas 10 orang)
Investasi Pendaftaran peserta : Rp. 5,500,000,- (Lima Juta Lima Ratus Ribu Rupiah)
HSP Academy Training CenterRuko Graha Boulevard Blok D/26 Sumarecon – Gading Serpong – Tangerang
HP: 0812 8388 6030 atau 0812 1990 1006
Phone: (021) 29001151
Fax. (021) 29001152
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